About Us
We are a community of people with different beliefs and diverse backgrounds who embrace basic principles which include the freedom to engage in our own personal search for truth and meaning. We come together in the spirit of mutual caring and respect to celebrate life, offer service, and work for a better world.
This church seeks to minister to the spiritual, intellectual, and social needs of its members and their families and friends. At the center of the church’s program is the Sunday worship service, coordinated by a lay-led Worship Committee. Morning worship is followed by a period of coffee and conversation.
Unitarians believe that religious education is one of the most important legacies we can offer our children. Our Religious Education Hour begins at 9:30 a.m. Classes focus on encouraging young people to be caring and questioning individuals. The weekly classes are led by volunteer teachers from the membership; care is provided for infants and toddlers. Irregularly, we make the OWL program (Our Whole Lives program) available to our Junior High School aged children.
The Church is financed by pledges from its members and friends. It is governed by a board of trustees elected by the membership. Committees administer many facets of church life. Special events are scheduled throughout the year. There are special festive services at Thanksgiving and Easter, and a candlelight Christmas Eve service is celebrated.
Adult classes and discussions, carry-in lunches, circle suppers, and fund-raising events, including a much-anticipated plant sale in the spring, are also scheduled. Our annual plant sale is both an expression of ecological concern and a service to the community. A monthly newsletter keeps members and friends informed of activities.