The Quincy Unitarian Church Memorial Fund was established in 1961 during the ministry of the Rev. George Crist. The Fund received gifts to the church from family and friends in remembrance of the deceased.

A Memorial Committee was established to manage this Fund’s investment. The proceeds could be used only for capital improvements, not for ongoing expenses.

The committee sent notes of appreciation to the donors, reports of the gifts to the family of the deceased, and prepared a memorial page to be placed in permanent record books.

The Memorial Committee’s responsibility was expanded in 1964 to include significant gifts, bequests, and trust donations. Initially named the Capital Trust and now called the Endowment, these funds are carefully invested in secure instruments to preserve the value and ensure the financial future of the church. These funds are kept separate from the Memorial funds.

The committee, now named the Memorial and Endowment Committee, continues managing these Funds with carefully structured investment policies and guidelines. The purpose and use of the Memorial funds has not changed. The increase in the value of The Endowment’s funds may be used for projects beyond the normal budgeted expenses of the church.

Short sketches of the lives we remember are collected in albums kept at the church. Their names appear below:

In Grateful Memory

James W. “Jim”  Drew (2024) 

Linda R. Buechting (2023)

Edward W. “Ed” Flowers (2023)

Carol Fischer Mathieson (2022)

Martha Disseler (2022)

Jean Schweda (2022)

Harold D. Hutchinson (2022)

Holly Ann Wagner (2021)

Sandra K. (Sandy) Morrison (2021)

Theodore (Ted) Morrison (2021)

Dr. Floyd W. Marshall (2020)

Shirley J. Crank (2020)

Mike Schlinkmann’s Mother (2019)

Charlotte Flanagan (2019)

Leann Flanagan’s Father (2018)

Albert William (Al) Beck (2018)

Nona Elizabeth Miller (2018)

Dr. Gerald L. Crank (2017)

Jean Sperry (2015)

Clara Lily White (2015)

Celia Jean Hutchinson (2015)

Kristofer H. Brammer (2015)

Reginald Levis Willis (2014)

Diana E. Robison (2013)

Brandt G. Crocker (2013)

Carmen Federowich (2012)

Frieda V. Marshall (2012)

Patrick G. Flanagan (2012)

Dr. Lavern J. Wagner (2012)

Donald Jacob Muder (2012)

Carol Fisher Mathieson’s Mother (2012)

Dan Kelly’s Father (2012)

Olga Wigoda (2011)

Ridgely Berg Pierson, Jr. (2011)

Patsy Rose Dege Hoshiko (2011)

Theodore L. & Elizabeth R. Stebbins (2010)

Dorothy Frances Flanagan (2011)

Ann Williams Black (2011)

Earl Nelson (2010)

Mary Oatman’s Mother, Eleanor (2010)

Nona Miller’s Sister, Charlotte Lee Miller Janes (2010)

Maria Petzoldt (2010)

Carol Fisher Mathieson’s Father (2010)

Jewel E. Fleming (2009)

Thomas Edward House (2009)

Judith Ann “Judee” Melvin (2009)

Pauline Ringo Bond (2009)

John & Fritzi Morrison (2008)

Frederick John “Fred” Stephan (2008)

Bruce Willard Johnson (2007)

Maureen Ann Hallas (2007)

Robert John Mathieson (2007)

Anna Louise Dege Brigham (2007)

Elizabeth J. “Betty” Corcoran Albsmeyer (2007)

Stillman Kendrick Taylor (2007)

Fredericka Ann “Fritzi” Morhenstecher Morrison (2007)

John William “Bill” Albsmeyer (2006)

Donald Allen Busbey, Jr. (2006)

Robert H. Manning (2006)

Robert H. Myers (2005)

Pauline Elsa Wessels (2005)

Bertha Dege Danhaus (2005)

Pauline “Polly” Johnson (2004)

Dr. Theodore L. Stebbins, M.D. (2004)

Rev. Calvin R. Knapp (2004)

Jane Martin Shair (2004)

Rev. Dr. John Winthrop Brigham (2004)

Barbara Helen Ertel (2003)

John Alexander Sperry, Jr. (2003)

Mardi Denham Halbach (2002)

Mary Belle Coffman (2001)

V. Sherman Bond (2001)

Amy Sunderman Stevens (2001)

Hettie-Marie Andrews (2000)

Alice Morrison Mays (1999)

John Alexander Morrison (1999)

Marion E. Ertel (1999)

Caroline Schlagenhauf Sexauer (1999)

Alice Morrison Mays (1999)

Gail Bushmeyer Starkey (1999)

Lloyd E. Harris (1999)

Ray Eugene White (1998)

Edward C. Herman (1998)

Robert Lewis Fisher (1998)

James Gordon Johnson (1998)

Agnes F. Aman (1997)

Evelyn J. Woods (1997)

James William “Bill” Holliday (1999)

Rev. George P. Crist (1996)

Beulah Ellen Herman (1995)

Charlotte McCarl (1995)

Jean Austin Smith (1994)

Thomas Moore (1994)

Anne Kitts Gray (1993)

Mary P. VanRonzelen (1993)

Herbert W. Jones, Jr. (1993)

Helen Winters Porter (1993)

Gladus S. Cassidy (1993)

William E. Sexauer (1992)

Dorothe Owen (1992)

Conchita Federowich (1991)

Marjorie Ballow (1991)

Geraldine “Jerry” Clark (1991)

Evangeline E. Norton (1991)

George Berggren (1991)

Gary Wayne Miller (1991)

John D. Andrews (1990)

Dorothe E. Owen (1990)

Robert Samuel Campbell (1990)

Dolores Dickhoener Jenkins (1989)

Armin Attai (1989)

Naomi Johnson (1976)

Elsie McGovern (1975)

Frances Eldred Morrison (1988)

Helen Sundermann Markley (1988)

Andrew David Mathieson (1988)

Florence Halbach Williams (1987)

Madge Quinn Anderson (1986)

Doris L. Crooks Koch (1985)

Adie S. Petzoldt (1985)

Frances “Gale” Colby (1985)

Margaretha Kespohl Williams (1984)

Leona Buxman Isaacson (1984)

V. Gentry Koch (1984)

A. A. Kuna (1983)

Beula Dickhut (1983)

Robert Seldon Heincy (1982)

Paul Stanton Kurtz (1982)

Dorothea Dickhoener Campbell (1982)

Mabel Olive Boren Haverland (1982)

Enid Emily Ireland (1981)

Carlene Eberhardt Doughty (1981)

Pearl Marsh Stimson (1981)

Marshall S. Wideroe (1980)

Bernice Annabel Koehler Wideroe (1980)

Amy Weedon Moore (1980)

Henry Herman Dickhoener (1980)

W. Calvin Brazelton (1980)

Charlotte Raisbeck Carrott (1980)

Walter H. Bunte (1979)

Olin Ballow (1979)

Eugene V. Dickhoener (1978)

Dorothy Frances Aldridge (1978)

Charles Edwin Seger 1978)

J. Earl Jenkins (1978)

James Ben Field (1978)

Richard Berrian McCarl (1978)

Caroline Lagemann Eldin (1977)

Anna Babette Bangert Dege (1977)

Arthur R. Knapp, Sr. (1976)

Harriet Wells Eldred (1976)

David Gentry Koch (1976)

William Russell Johnson (1976)

Judge Edward Moore (1976)

Stella Phillips Sperry (1976)

Anna Gearhart Wall (1975)

Leta E. Cannon Brazelton (1975)

Ione Ellis Vasen (1975)

Virginia Anne Campbell (1974)

Beatrice Leona Tenney Knapp (1974)

Lyle A. Owen (1974)

Dr. Stacey Francis Howell (1973)

Elda Louise Engert Petzoldt (1973)

Grace Elizabeth Austin Armstrong (1972)

Anne E. Cornelius Hess (1972)

Mabel Rose Harris Campbell (1972)

Woodrow Wilson Maddox (1972)

Fred Darrah Gray (1972)

Margaret McCarl Wright (1971)

Theodore Paul Wright (1970)

Herman Ernst Dege (1970)

George G. Ringo (1969)

William Spencer Johnson (1967)

Rolland Morris Wagner (1967)

Victor D. Winters (1967)

Shirley Weeden Tomkins Johnson (1966)

A. Scott Armstrong (1964)

Harold Doughty (1965)

Frances Evans Martin (1965)

Loren Cannon (1965)

Cora Benneson Janes Schlagenhauf (1963)

Paul E. Morrison (1963)

Otto A. Mohrenstecher (1963)

Dorothy Gage (1963)

Mrs. James Russell Wells (1963)

Dorothy Halbach Gage (1962)

Henrietta Eaton Wells (1962)

Anna Kespohl Mohrenstecher (1961)


Endowment Contributors

Gifts and bequests to the Quincy Unitarian Church’s Endowment are carefully invested. The increase is available to be spent by the Board of Trustees. Those who have contributed to the Endowment are listed below in alphabetical order.

Rev. Rex Aman
Gale Colby
Harriet Eldred
George Herendeen
Frieda V. Marshall
Frances Eldred Morrison
Ted & Sandy Morrison
John Nielson
Ridgely Berg Pierson, Jr.

Caroline Schlagenhauf Sexauer
Hilliard & Jane Shair
John & Jean Sperry
Theodore & Elizabeth Stebbins
Amy Sundermann Stevens
Edna Welch
David Wexler
Charlotte Winters