Thank-you for supporting our church community.
Please be sure to designate where you intend your donation to be used:
Operating Funds is a general donation that will be used to fund our day to day operation of the church.
Pledged Donation is used for those individuals who have made a financial pledge during our current fiscal year
Donate-a-Plate Charity will go to the current month’s local charity as noted in the monthly newsletter.
Plant, Bake, & Book Sale can be used to pay for items ordered for the sale or a donation to the annual fundraiser sale.
Candlelight Dinner can be used to pay for a reservation that has been made or make a donation to the fundraising event.
You can also register and set up re-occurring donations.
Please note that all payments are in whole dollars. So 2000 is $2,000.00 not $20.00. Be sure to confirm the amount in the box before proceeding to the payment information page.
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